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/ Enjoy the Digital Home Life / Enjoy the Digital Home Life.bin

Jump To: Directory (3)  |  Text (4)  |  Other (15)

Directories (3)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
Help1   Reader19   Resource3

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
Abcpy.ini INI File 168 5KB 2002-04-10
DATA.TAG Text File 6 103b 2002-09-17
lang.dat Text File 38 24KB 1999-01-12
ReadMe.html Hypertext Markup Language File 35 22KB 2002-08-09

Other Files (15)
_Setup.dll All Null Bytes 35KB 1998-09-29
_sys1.hdr All Null Bytes 5KB 2002-09-17
layout.bin All Null Bytes 609b 2002-09-17
os.dat All Null Bytes 450b 1998-07-27
_INST32I.EX_ Unknown 297KB 1999-02-23
_ISDel.exe Unknown 28KB 1998-10-27
_sys1.cab Unknown 175KB 2002-09-17
¡]s» Unknown 3KB 2001-04-16
data1.cab Unknown 469b 2002-09-17
data1.hdr Unknown 26KB 2002-09-17
Setup.exe Unknown 74KB 1999-01-12
SETUP.INI Unknown 103b 2002-09-17
setup.ins Unknown 169KB 2002-09-17
setup.lid Unknown 49b 2002-09-17
z�R Unknown 7KB 2001-04-16